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한국 / 뉴스룸

Introducing JustCo members of K-Startups

01, September 2020

Within a short span of less than two years, JustCo has established itself as one of the leading co-working companies in Seoul – offering flexible and cost-efficient workspace solutions to about 1,000 companies. At JustCo, businesses of all shapes and sizes, be it a start-up, SME, or Fortune 500 company, will automatically form part of its ever-growing community, with options to network, collaborate and seek business opportunities with one another. In an interview with Hankyung Job and Joy, Kris Nahm, General Manager of South Korea said, “Our members, who are CEO of their respective companies are also my valuable colleagues, they are the ones who constantly keep me motivated.” To read the interview articles, kindly click here and here.

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다음 단계로 나아갈 준비가 되셨나요? 우리 팀원들이 귀하의 요구에 맞는 이상적인 솔루션을 찾도록 도와드리겠습니다.

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